

Using a simple non-invasive assessment tool – muscle testing – kinesiology can help you to get to the root of a problem and discover what you need to help resolve it. More than just an easy way to identify food and chemical sensitivities, kinesiology focuses on restoring balance to the body.

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Homeopathy is a form of ‘energy medicine’ that has been used worldwide for over 200 years, where your symptoms and general characteristics are used to identify the most appropriate remedy or remedies for your condition. As the remedies used are non-chemical in nature, they are suitable for any age and any condition, including pregnancy and cannot interact with prescribed medication.

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Protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic fields with these simple and easy to use devices. Available with adhesive backing to attach to phones, routers, etc; as wearable wristbands; as belt clips or tags; or even incorporated into jewellery; there's something here for everyone.

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Would you like a personalised therapy, tailored to your particular needs and designed to give fast and effective improvement in your well-being?

Do you want:

  • fewer aches and pains?
  • more energy?
  • better sports performance?

Or perhaps you need help with:

  • physical pain
  • recovery after injury
  • emotional stress
  • organ problems such as bowel dysfunction, menstrual problems, etc.
  • effects of toxicity such as food sensitivities and intolerances
  • postural and movement problems
  • muscle function
  • co-ordination problems
  • sensory imbalances
  • fears, phobias and other limiting behaviours or belief patterns

Or are you just ready to experience a different approach to help you deal with the stresses you feel you are up against in your life?

Whatever you feel you need help with, Chris offers an opportunity to work with all aspects of your being – physical, emotional & energetic – towards achieving your goals and restoring your body to its natural balance.

For more information, including clinics and fees, please use the links above. Then contact Chris to arrange an appointment to help you get back to your natural state of balance and well-being!

Feel great in body and mind!

Chris uses both homeopathy and kinesiology (as derived from Applied Kinesiology) to support you as an individual and work with your own healing process wherever possible, rather than treating a particular diagnosis or disease as such. The holistic view that Chris follows maintains that disease is the end result of an inherent imbalance in the individual at some level, so the therapies practised are used to try to correct that imbalance and restore you to your balanced ‘healthy’ state. Whether that may be achieved wholly or partially is determined by the severity of the your existing imbalance/ disease, your history, vitality, previous treatment and various other factors. This approach supports you at whatever level your body requires – for example, nutritionally, emotionally or energetically – and with respect for the medical prognosis of any diagnosed condition. The rate and extent of the outcome of a condition, whether deterioration or improvement, can often be helped using this approach.

As with any kind of treatment, there is no guarantee of how successful the therapies Chris practises may be for each individual but please explore the pages of this website where you will find more detailed information on how Chris works, which you will hopefully find both interesting and helpful.

Chris Halls is a systematic kinesiologist and homeopath practising in Norfolk, UK. Chris is a Diplomate and Trustee of the Kinesiology Association (formerly the Association of Systematic Kinesiology) and a member of the Complementary Medical Association (CMA).